The New Dramatic TV Renaissance
Movies may be going down hill, but TV dramas are getting better. What’s behind it?
Movies may be going down hill, but TV dramas are getting better. What’s behind it?
In case you didn’t see the possibilities of the free filmmaking software from Xtranormal I wrote about in February of last year, I recently noticed a great use of it in a national commercial. A filmmaker used the software to create a simple commercial.
One of the great places to learn lessons about Hollywood is the commentary section of DVDs. It’s amazing the insights you can gain from filmmakers talking quite innocently about the process of getting the movie made.
Sarah Palin is a lightning rod of media attention. Her endurance in mass media has been amazing. When I came across this cool new movie making animation software program by Xtranormal called Text to Movie and her pre-animated avatar, I couldn’t resist using her image to help push my book on Larry King.
I want to write something that big so bad. I want to have teens and their parents and grown people who should know better camped outside the theater talking about which is their favorite character.
I have to admit that my initial answer to this question was less than favorable. I’ve attended about 20 film festivals in my life—only four of them intentionally.
I received a question on my blog from a filmmaker and reader of my book. I’d like to answer his question in this post. For those who don’t know, in my book, I refer to the things I Wish I Knew before I moved to Hollywood as “WIKs”. The question is as follows: Mr. Locke, […]