New Free Movie Making Animation Software–Interesting

Sarah Palin is a lightning rod of media attention. Her endurance in mass media has been amazing. When I came across this cool  new movie making animation software program by Xtranormal called Text to Movie and her pre-animated avatar, I couldn’t resist using her image to help push my book on Larry King.

Although this program is limited a bit by its computerized voice and actions, the possibilities of what can be done with it, even in its current state, are compelling.

I wrote this script, directed it and uploaded it in a matter of minutes. Getting the timing as right as possible and getting the voices to say what I wanted, took a couple hours, but viola. Moments after posting, it had garnered over a hundred views and hopefully will keep spreading.

This technology holds huge promise for writers and directors:  sharing story ideas, jokes, writing short scenes and even creating an entire web series. As the technology and text to speech capacity improves, I can imagine a lot from this program. Tell me what you think.


Posted in For Filmmakers, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , .


  1. Thanks for sharing this. This is very useful. I enjoy reading your blog, T.R. Great insights.

    • Glad to hear it. Thanks for reading the blog. Let me know what kind of ideas you have for the program.

  2. Shakita Laporte

    My aunt recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the awesome work!

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